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“The next generation in assessment and protection”

Using a case you are familiar with, test the ShieldCPS demo system here to have a go for yourself. Bear in mind this is just a taster of the full version.

The longer children are in the care system, the worse the outcome. ShieldCPS provides an intuitive user interface from which all child protection agencies can share and update information in real time.

The standard that you walk past, is the standard you accept. - Lieutenant General David Lindsay Morrison AO

Click here to see a series of Serious Case Reviews - ShieldCPS Versions. Includes: Blake Fowler, Keanu Williams, Gloria Foster and Winterbourne.

Our sister product ShieldCPS (RPT), helps children raise awareness to the school's welfare officer without the need to read, write or talk in the first instance using just 3 clicks of a mouse.

Keep up to date with all the latest news related to ShieldCPS.