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“The next generation in assessment and protection”
How ShieldCPS fits for you!
One file for life
Consistent thresholds
Accessible to all agencies
Fully tested for your peace of mind
Visible continuous risk assessment
Data protected (link to compliance standards)
Instant chronologies – court and social work standard
Instantly produced reports (click to see example here)
No loss of information, everything in one place, for life
Instant Quality Assurance using unique algorithm system
Can be tailored to fit your specific needs, anywhere in the world
Instant reporting: can provide an immediate risk overview at any level
Accessible to service users to enable better engagement and protection
Inbuilt immediate risk alerts – allows you to monitor vulnerable people instantly
Flexible enough to evolve with new requirements as soon as they are published
Single evolving, continuous, real time assessment and treatment/intervention plan
Immediate risk overview of everyone on the system using the ALARP RAG system
Built on a tried and trusted assessment framework (link to the Assessment Framework)
Allows the service user to be accessible to anyone who needs to view it, review it, add to it
All vulnerable people immediately visible, no-one can be overlooked due to it’s inbuilt alert system
Provides the multi-agency risk assessment & communication recommended by countless Serious Case Reviews
Risk alerts can be seen at every level: from practitioner to service director to safeguarding board to central departments
Safe storage of all information in one place – scanned documents, screenshots, previous electronic files, previous paper files
Fully tested for your peace of mind!
![]() Visualising RiskWhy visualise risk? | ![]() Additional FeaturesAdditional features to keep you in control of the big picture. | ![]() Improved MonitoringTrack your actions from conception to resolution. |
![]() Additional BenefitsA few of the many benefits afforded your organisation by ShieldCPS. |
Why ShieldCPS?
The Shield Child Protection System is an intuitive, and easy-to-use, visualised child and adult assessment tool. It is a revolutionary new concept in child and adult protection that assesses risk based on 'Probaility and Severity'.
ShieldCPS is designed as a multi-agency 'single record system' to protect everyone - opened at pre-birth (should the need arise) and is available throughout a lifetime. ShieldCPS will aid Children & Adult Services in rapidly understanding and controlling all risk and needs.
It is a visually based risk management process which records and evidences all the factors affecting anyone potentially at risk of harm - and what steps have been taken to tackle that risk. ShieldCPS is designed to "lie dormant" during periods where assessments aren't necessary yet provides an instant risk evaluation the moment it's needed, from pre-birth, through childhood, into the threshold of adulthood and all through life.
Until now, most risk management has constructed using linear formats (ie Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, spreadsheets, self-produced forms). With ShieldCPS, LexiconP has championed, and developed an innovative non-linear approach, utilising visualisation in order to produce an intuitive method of risk management that ALL can understand instead of just the safety professionals.
The evolution of ShieldCPS is not an ill thought out 'knee jerk' reaction to any particular event; rather, it is a development born from natural progression following the recommendations made from a series of tragedies. We must learn from these tragedies or else needless lives will continue to be harmed and/or lost.